Friday, March 6, 2009

Fashion Trends that Make My Eyes Bleed

What has happened to fashion? Everyone used to look so normal, and then suddenly, some motherfucker decided it would be a good idea to bring back the worst trends of the past 50 years all at once. I have half a mind to completely give up my career and go into fashion design just to make this hideous shit disappear.

1) Drainpipes

Everyone knows that "drainpipes" is just a new word for "80s jeans." No one looks good in skin-tight pants, period. AC/DC didn't look good in them, your mom didn't look good in them, and you don't look good in them either. Skinny jeans have the magical capability of making anorexic women look like they need to drop about 20 pounds. They are offensive in so many ways that it's amazing how many people have actually picked up on this horrible recycled trend. Your hips look larger, your thighs look fatter, and there is a good possibility you'll be rocking some serious camel toe. They come in a variety of colors and patterns, none of which disguise the fact that the lower half of your body looks like it went through a sausage stuffing machine. I can't believe I haven't heard about anyone's legs falling off due to lack of circulation yet. Don't buy them, don't wear them, and if you have any, please set them on fire.

2) Drapey Crap

Drapes, maternity shirts, titty curtains--call them whatever you want, it doesn't make them any less ugly. Why do pretty girls insist on wearing these shapeless disasters? Not only are they a huge turn-off, they make everyone think you're hiding something even more horrible than the shirt itself. What is it you've got under there? Are you pregnant? Is there some strange conjoined twin coming out of your stomach? WHAT? Fat girls are attracted to these things like moths to a light, but unfortunately, hiding your rolls doesn't make you look any less fat, it simply shows everyone that you're embarrassed of yourself. Everyone has a shape to show off, whether they're a size 2 or a size 20, so please humor us and pack these things away until you actually ARE 9 months pregnant. Even then, you probably shouldn't wear them out in public.

3) Men's Deep V-Neck Tees

Nothing screams "I'm a douchebag with herpes" like showing off your chest hair--ALL of your chest hair. Girls don't like chest hair on guys in the same way that guys don't like chest hair on girls. It's unattractive, and I'm sorry if I've hurt anyone's feelings, but really, it doesn't take too much time to just shave or wax it off. Even if you're as hairless as a naked mole rat, you still shouldn't be prancing around in one of these things, because they make you look like a fucking pedophile. While girls often feel the need to show some skin to attract guys, men don't need to do the same to attract women. Girls think that guys whose nipples are exposed every time they lean over are desperate attention-seekers, and since it's usually the female who fulfills that particular role in a relationship, they are more likely to see you as a threat than a potential partner or hook up. If you really want to impress a girl, rid your closet of all beaters, v-necks, and shirts that say stupid crap. Not only are they ugly, they detract from your face, which is where you actually WANT girls to be looking. Men may be drawn to boobs and butts, but girls want to see your pretty eyes and a nice smile.

4) Hideous Patterns

Yuck. Remember what I was saying about not wearing shit that detracts from your face? Yeah. Stripes are acceptable, but nothing else is. Everyone hates it when people wear complicated patterns. It looks like the Easter Bunny threw up all over you, died, and then you rolled in his bloody carcass. When your outfit is loud, distracting, and incorporates colors that should never be next to one another you become a menace to society. If someone is staring at your stupid outfit, gets into a car accident, and dies, it will be your fault. Just think about that the next time you walk out of the house in a color explosion.

5) Giant Sunglasses

If your goal is to look like an oversized insect, then please, by all means, purchase a pair of enormous sunglasses. Why do girls insist on wearing sunglasses that are half the size of their faces? I suppose you might wear them to make your nose look smaller, but it comes at the price of your dignity. Attaching an enormous piece of plastic to your head doesn't actually DO anything to change the size of your nose, or any other feature, for that matter. It's like when fat women use an entire can of aquanet on their themselves to make their hair bigger because they think it makes them look less fat. It doesn't change anything, it just makes you look like you're overcompensating, which of course, you are. The worst thing about these insect eye glasses is that they've become so popular that it's impossible to find a normal-looking pair anymore. I've had to resort to buying men's sunglasses for the past two years, which fall off of my face because they're too wide. I certainly hope that giant alien bugs don't invade Earth anytime soon, because if they do, and you happen to be wearing a pair of these things, you're likely to be mistaken for one and shot on sight.

6) Fauxhawks

These just make me angry. They're not attractive, but they're not hideous either. My problem with the fauxhawk is that it's a hairdo for guys who are such pussies that they won't commit to an actual mohawk. Most of the people who wear them are a part of corporate America, but they want to be "cooler" than that, so they dump half a can of gel onto their heads on Saturday night, put on the poorly-made metal-studded belt they bought at Spencer's, and head to the nearest nightclub, just so they can stand outside of it and pretend smoke clove cigarettes whenever a girl walks past. It's the perfect look for someone who isn't actually interesting at all, but desperately wants everyone else to think they are. Unfortunately for them, individuality is not something you can buy in a store, (although Hot Topic would like to convince you otherwise.) If you've been thinking that the fauxhawk is for you, maybe you need to figure out who "you" really are first.

7) Cheap Plastic Jewelery

Plastic jewelry is cute when you're 4, but pretty tacky when you're 24. I know it's inexpensive, and I know that it's colorful, but that does not mean you should adorn yourself with it. It makes you look like a little kid playing dress-up, and no one you encounter will take you seriously. Also, most of it is ugly as sin. If you're wearing this crap, it doesn't matter if you've got on a $10,000 Burberry suit, the whole outfit is immediately ruined and everyone will think you're an idiot.

8) Patterned Tights and Leggings

Nothing elicits more screams of horror from innocent bystanders than patterned tights. Even just looking at this picture is dangerous--you might burst a blood vessel in your eye. Please discontinue staring at it right now. Not only do patterned leggings, pantyhose, and tights make your legs look like a giant optical illusion, they also make them appear fatter than they really are. Wearing a pair of these things will make everyone think you're trying to cover up something horrible underneath. If you have premature varicose veins or bad cellulite, please consider opting for a longer skirt, a pair of pants, or God-forbid, a solid-colored pair of hose. Otherwise, everyone will be so focused on trying to find the Magic Eye picture hidden in your ham hocks that they'll forget the rest of you even exists.

9) Crocs

Hey everyone! Who wants trench foot? If you answered with a resounding, "I do!" then please purchase a pair of Crocs. It will make the whole slimy, infected process so much easier. These shoes pack a double whammy, since they're not only the ugliest shoes on Earth, but have to be the most unhygienic as well. Apparently athlete's foot and odor been such a problem with these over-priced plastic pieces of crap that the company launched a special fungal and bacteria-resistant line called the "Rx Silver Cloud," so named because they are infused with silver particles that supposedly keep your feet cleaner. Now, I don't know about you, but if I'm wearing silver, I'd like it to be somewhere that people can actually SEE it, like oh, say, in a necklace, but I guess some people find it more important to include it in their hideous, slimy plastic shoes. If you own a pair of these, do everyone a favor and recycle them. Just make sure they're going to be reused in something with a purpose and not made into more crappy plastic jewelry.

10) Skin-Tight Maternity Clothes

GROSS. Being pregnant is a wonderful thing if you want a baby, can afford a baby, and are a responsible adult. Everyone is excited for you, but that doesn't mean that we want to see your gigantic parasitic bulge. Pregnant stomachs are not beautiful, they are repulsive, disgusting, and are not meant to be shown off under any circumstances. I'm going to go ahead and blame celebrities for this trend, since they seem to be the ones who started it. If tight clothes don't look good on pregnant celebrities who have personal trainers, they're going to look 1,000 times more terrible on your ugly hormonal ass. If you're pregnant, congratulations--you actually have a reason to wear some of that drapey crap that's all the rage right now. Please use it to hide your temporary deformity and the rest of the world will thank you for it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Wedding Industry Can Kiss My Ass

The wedding industry in this country makes me want to vomit. The average cost of a traditional wedding ceremony and reception is around $25,000, which is phenomenal sum of money for anyone making less than $100,000 a year, and most people in their 20s and 30s fall into that category. No one should have to shell out that kind of cash for a dress and a party, but people do it willingly every day, netting the wedding industry somewhere between 40 and 70 billion dollars a year. This got me thinking: If I was planning a traditional wedding, how much would it cost me and in what ways could the money be better spent? Let's find out.

1) Dress

Alright, let's start with the dress. No self-respecting female wants to think about price when she's shopping for her wedding gown, so I didn't either and I found one I liked.

No, it's not my ideal gown, but I'm a sucker for blue and it doesn't look too uncomfortable. According to the website I stole the picture from, this one will run me about $1000. That's a completely reasonable price for a dress that I'm going to wear for one day, right? Also, it'll look so pretty when I stick it in a plastic storage bin and shove it up in the attic.

2) Crap that Goes with the Dress

Now that I have the dress, let's talk accessories. I'll need some pretty shoes, a necklace, earrings, and something sparkly to wear on my head. Heck, let's just go with a tiara. They seem to be pretty popular for this kind of shindig. Here are my sparklies:

I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "man, what a hottie!" right? She's really mastered that whole "fork in the outlet" look, and the brown roots are a really nice touch. The necklace, earrings, and tiara are only $400 for the set. What a deal! I'm not going to bore you with a picture of the shoes, but I found a completely acceptable pair for $130. No one will be able to see them under my floor-length dress, but all my guests can imagine how pretty they are.

3) The Cake

The cake is pretty much the "thanks for spending 7 hours at my wedding when you could be doing something important" gift to the wedding guests, so if you crap out on the cake, you're going to piss off everyone you've invited. That's why I'm choosing this cake:

I'd like to think that Louis XIV would be proud of me for choosing this cake, and look! It matches my dress. Unfortunately, Carrie's Cakes is based in Utah, but I'd really be doing myself a disservice to go with a local bakery when they don't even have icing that matches my dress, so I'm going to go ahead and cough up the $2,000 that this monstrosity costs, plus the $500 out of state delivery charge. Perfection has no price, right?

4) The Flowers

Some people like to use those cloth flowers that you can rent or purchase at craft stores, but I think that looks tacky, so I'm going to get some real flowers instead. Apparently it's not cool with the flower companies to recycle flowers from your ceremony for your reception, so I guess I'll just have to get packages for both! Let's see, I'll need a bouquet for myself, wrist corsages for my bridesmaids, boutonnieres for the groomsmen, flowers for the flower girls, another bouquet for me to throw, flowers for the ceremony, and flowers for the reception table centerpieces. Since I'm not entirely sure how many people will come, I'd better play it safe and order more than I think I'll need. Only $2,722, what a shame they'll all be dead in a week!

5) Shit for the Ceremony

Well here's something I've never thought about before! I guess I'm going to need a runner and a unity candle and some of that other stuff! Lucky for me, seems to have wedding supplies listed right underneath their "economic stimulus" themed party package. Since you've all seen a candle before, I thought I'd share something from the economic stimulus party supplies instead:

I think she'd be perfect to serve drinks at the bar during the reception. In case you were interested, I chose the "Two Become One" unity candle, and I think the Spice Girls would approve of my selection. After doing the math on my handy Windows Calculator Plus, I came to a grand total of $329 for all of the useless ceremony trappings. I'm sure I'll want to read that guestbook over and over again, so it's a small price to pay.

6) The Invitations

Of course, I'll need to get some snazzy invitations to mail out to everyone. Now, I could get creative here and spend a lot of money, but let's be reasonable. It's just a piece of paper, right? I found these great Mardi-Gras-themed invitations online from "Invitations by Dawn." Dawn must have some serious photoshopping skills because these aren't tacky at all!

Now I know that Mardi Gras conjurs up images of topless women with sagging tits more often than weddings, but hey, I really need everyone to know that it's a party, and it'll only cost me $100 for these beauties.

7) The Reception

Now it's time to start spending the big bucks! Since I live in Columbus, I want my reception to be held at my favorite building in town, The Ohio Theatre. Fortunately, they have their rental fees for the pavilion listed on their website. Now, everyone will need time to set stuff up and take it down, so I think I'll rent it for a full 8 hours, which will cost me $1,680. Since they're kind enough to let me use their space, I guess I'll pick my caterer off of their "preferred" list. I'm choosing "Made From Scratch" catering since they'll let me get a chocolate fountain that will only add $750 onto the catering bill. The bill for the groceries comes to about $10,202, but don't worry, that's including the open bar, so we're really getting a killer deal, here. I'm going to be too busy swimming in my chocolate fountain to take pictures, so I guess I'll need to hire a good photographer, which will cost about $3,550. Let's see, I know I'm forgetting something. Of course! The music! Now, I'm sure I'll have some people itching to dance after filling up on beer from the open bar all evening, so I'll need to hire a DJ. This guy seems classy:

What a deal, too. He's only $860 for 4 hours, and that includes one of those fantastic spinning mirror balls! Man, I really hope he's got that gray cloud backdrop on hand. Those are great, they just always seem to match the decor!

8) Limo Rental

People would think I was pretty lame if I didn't arrive at my big party in style, so I should definitely rent a nice car. Most people rent limos, but my boyfriend happens to be a car enthusiast. He'll be happy to know that we can opt for a 2008 GT-R instead for only $1,500.

As long as he doesn't wreck it street racing on the way to the reception, that should be affordable, right?

9) Crappy Favors for the Guests

I suppose it's tradition to buy something something small for the attendees. In the past, I've gotten personalized chocolate bars, shitty candles, and bottles of bubbles at weddings, so I guess I have to think of something equally cheesy. You'll be glad to know that M&Ms has taken care of all the thinking for me, by allowing customers to personalize candies with photos and messages! I decided upon this fantastic picture of me smoking a cigarette while dangling out of a New York City hotel window:

Also, I'm not wearing any pants. M&Ms even lets you add a very short message on the back of each M&M, so I chose "Thank You Note." I'm really quite impressed with myself for killing two birds with one stone on this one. Having the thank you notes out of the way is going to save me so much time after my honeymoon, and the favors are only $4,955.

10) The Honeymoon

I know the honeymoon isn't technically part of the wedding, but I'm including it anyway, since it costs money. My boyfriend and I have always wanted to go to Japan, and honeymoons are supposed to be once in a lifetime trips, so why not? Believe it or not, we can actually get a decent package deal from Expedia for $3,117, which really isn't that bad considering the cost of flying there. I'll factor in another $1,500 for food, souvenirs, and transportation as well, since I know very well that my boyfriend will demand to rent a car and drive all over the place once we get there.

The Grand Total: $33,395

This is a ridiculous cost, and it's not too far off of the national average. Why do people spend this much money on one lousy day? I'll tell you why: Everyone wants to feel special. Most of us aren't celebrities or CEOs, we're just average boring people, with average boring lives, and we feel like we deserve our one day in the sun. All of those gown manufacturers, cake decorators, and caterers know that, and they're willing to capitalize on it. If you've read this and still want to have a big wedding, consider the following list of other things that money could be used for:

-You could buy a brand new Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, a nice sports car, for $33,685
-You could make a down payment on a $320,000 home
-You could take 10 trips to Japan, or any other country, for that matter
-You could pay for 4 years at a private liberal arts college without student loans
-You could put it in the bank for 20 years and double the amount on interest alone
-You could start your own business
-You could raise a child

Or, you could spend it all on your wedding, get divorced, and do it all over again. The choice is yours.

Sayonara for now.