Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Celebrities are Whiny Asshats Who Do Not Deserve Attention

So by now I'm sure that everyone has heard the recording of Christian Bale losing his shit on the set of the new Terminator movie. If for some reason you haven't, it's here:

Now, I don't know much of anything about what goes on behind the scenes in a movie. The only time I have ever actually been on a set was when they were making that stupid film about Leroy Jenkins (the real one, not the World of Warcraft character) up in Delaware. It was excruciatingly boring, and as an extra, all you really do is stand around and react to what the main characters are doing. I was there for over three hours and they didn't even get one good take of the scene I was in. The only cool thing that happened was that the woman who'd been bragging to everyone about how she'd been in the airport scene in "Traffic" for 0.3 seconds got her period while the camera was rolling and ran off the set crying and covered with blood. After that I decided that I was going to leave, since I realized I wasn't going to catch a glimpse of Faye Dunaway, and I hate evangelists and everything they stand for. What I can say though, is that there is never any reason for an actor to be allowed to throw a temper tantrum or insult anyone working on the set, especially since most of them are probably far more intelligent and useful than anyone getting screen time.

Apparently what happened on the Terminator set was that the director of photography had been walking into scenes while the camera was rolling so he could adjust the lighting. I can see how this might be annoying for the actors who are trying to concentrate on playing their characters just right, but for fuck's sake, if you don't let the tech guys adjust the lights correctly, everyone's going to have to do the scene over again anyway. I guess this poor guy had walked into the scene one too many times for Christan Bale's liking, so Mr. Special Person threw a giant temper tantrum. I half expected him to yell, "I'm Batman! Where's my fucking latte?" in the middle of his tirade. Why do we allow people to get away with this shit? Thankfully, we have the internet now, so when we're not ragging on Jessica Simpson for packing on a few pounds and looking like a normal female, we can work on exposing people for the douchebags they really are. Maybe everyone in America could pitch in money to buy a desert island where we could send Christian Bale and other asshole celebrities to be rehabilitated, and by rehabilitated I mean die. Don't worry kids, Batman won't be lonely. He'll have Russell Crowe, Martha Stewart and Tom Cruise to keep him company.

Lastly, I'd like ask everyone to please stop paying so much attention to these people, because that's what they are--regular, boring people. Celebrities don't know who you are, they don't care about their fans, and if you ever meet any in public, there's a pretty good chance that they'll be entertaining fantasies of different ways to murder you while you ask them for their autographs. They already consider themselves to be gods, and showering them with attention only makes it worse. So cancel your subscription to "Us" magazine and take off of your favorites list. There are more interesting things to read about than how far along Angelina Jolie is in her quest to collect all the different types of Pokemon...I mean babies. If you do go browsing for celebrity gossip, make sure it's the kind that will expose one of them for who they really are. All of them are assholes. (Except for Jon Stewart, who is the rare and highly cherished awesome kind of asshole.)

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